Pontifical Legation of the Western Europe


Sacraments are the sacred actions through which God’s grace is outpoured upon the faithful. Some of the sacraments in the Armenian Church are: baptism, chrismation, penance, Holy Communion, Crowning (Matrimony), Ordination, and the Anointing of the sick.

These liturgical activities include the most important aspects of Christian living. Thus, baptism is a spiritual birth and participation in Christ’s death and resurrection. Chrismation gives us the graces of the Holy Spirit and strengthens us in our Christian calling. Through repentance, we are released from the sins committed after the baptism. Holy Communion is a sacramental meal that sustains and nourishes us in the life of virtue and spiritual growth.


The sacrament of Crowning or Matrimony joins a man and woman making them one flesh.

Through holy orders, men are called to minister the faithful and build the Body of Christ as deacons, priests, and bishops. The anointing of the sick gives healing to the body and soul.



The Armenian word for sacrament, khorhoort, means mystery. Jesus Christ is mysteriously present in the sacraments.